Over the hills and far away

Each time I'm crashing harder, each time I'm flying higher
"Hey Haze, good to see you again. Been a while .... where have you been?"
"Spent a few days in the hills up north."
"Hills? For a city dweller like you, that's quite an achievement."
"Thank you! What’s amusing is that living in the city has led me to read far less, eat more erratically and sleep less. In the hills, finished two books and am on my third now. Must have slept about twelve hours a day, ate three heavy meals a day, kept sipping on cold mountain spring water and yet ended up losing weight. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?”
“True, true .... your face says that like every other tourist, you're harbouring thoughts of settling there and writing a book, aren't you?"
"Shaddup! Though one must admit, the hills do tempt the soul."
"Well, what prevents you from shutting down shop and moving on or out?"
"To put it bluntly, have an itch to scratch. Hate to close one phase without some semblance of respectability."
"So you take care of present chores ... and then what?"
"Then nothing. One moves on, ceaselessly"
"What will you do, after moving on?"
"Buy large tracts of land. Have a few ideas about restoring forests, wild life and yet boosting the economy."
"Sorry to say this, but that sounds like well - intentioned horse-crap."
"I agree. In fact, that's what I thought. But there were these people I came across, and we formed a few good ideas on how to structure companies, raise capital, take care of the local politicians and immunize ourselves from external vagaries."
"Great. Then what?"
"Then, we commence building communities. There are a few ways to make money there, and my friends and I believe we can discover them. Apart, of course, from the usual ho-hum ways of seeing land value appreciate."
"But so many have tried before you, with greater enthusiasm, beliefs and resources. And have ended in bitter disappointment."
"I agree, but I'm not exactly looking for results in any particular time-frame. Am looking only to experiment."
"Supposing it clicks, then what?"
"Once we've hit on the right model, we replicate across the board. There are several tracts of land (in other states) I've seen in the last couple of years that I'm keen on buying."
"You're planning on becoming a zamindar?"
"No, not really. Though the thought of being one is frightening."
"Great. Then what?"
"Then what? After all, am only a tourist. I write a book."
Each time crashing is less painful, each time I realize the joys of flying .... higher
which hill station did you visit recently?
was in kumaon for a few days
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