Saturday, December 24, 2005

Calliope woman

Calliope woman, when you are alone
Tell me, how does the tune go?
Join me by the riverside
Let's call out the Muse
Tonight, black nightingales may sigh
See that train, leap into that last car
We've got reservations for two
Watch this gypsy caravan weave spells
In time, share this tune with me.
Traipsing between Jupiter and Apollo
While marvelling at King Tut's tomb out below
Tell me, how does the tune go?
Am a childish wordsmith, a lyrical liar
Slap me and kiss those wounds
The ones your words leave behind
Breathe softly against my neck
Nurse my unspoken vows.
Sinking my tears into your hair
Tenderness leaves your face aglow
Tell me, how does the tune go?


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