....Ain't got no Time for Time

Therefore, we have vastness, but no concept of Time. As the concept of 'motion' is characterised by movement i.e. velocity, which in turn is dependent on Time, therefore no 'motion' as we know it must exist. However, space continues to exist. Hence, I don't need to get from one place to another because I exist simultaneously at both ends of the Universe. Alternately, various instances of 'me' exist simulatenously at different points in space with equal probability. Actually, the word 'simultaneous' would not exist in such a Universe because that would be the natural state of 'being'.
The way I figure it, I would exist either only at Bandra or only at Churchgate if Time constrained me from not being 'simultaneous'. However, 'Time' has gone for a walk; the last occasion it occupied this Universe, it did not have a very pleasant experience, and therefore eyes this opportunity with some suspicion.
Therefore, I exist all over the place (or equi-probably all over the place). Great occasion to be a voyeur.
Now, let's say that Time has suddenly jumped back into the fray and we have a 'Space-Time' fabric.
Now, what becomes of me? As Time is re-introduced, the probability function of my 'being all over the place' becomes zero, and therefore I should exist as only one instance. That would be the conventional view. However, there is a way of ensuring that the various instances remain. (Funnily put, there is a way to ensure that the probability of the probability function remaining or reducing to zero is the same).
To resolve this situation would be to separate each instance of 'me' by a sufficient gap of 'Time'. To ensure a relatively uniform metric of distance, I could use Light as it is impacted only by 'Black' holes. This results in the separation of each instance by a large number of 'Light-years'. But Time spent in crossing such a large number of 'Light-years' might require one Life-Time each! (Of course, as memory has been trained to be chronologically sequenced, the 'future' instances do not exist).
Thus, all instances are existing simultaneously, and all instances are chronologically unique.
Each of the instances must also therefore be evolving with Time and simultaneously, independent of Time.
...."All of me, why not take all of me
Can't you see, I'm no good without you" ....
Can't you see, I'm no good without you" ....
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