Crossword for a Mumbai Monsoon

Ah! A pleasure to master the art of disguising work through recreational activity (and yet insist on a salary).
Today's recreational activity is to surf through various tests available on Hmmm.... came across an old test that tested my ESP skills and informed me that I possessed the power of precognition - the uncanny ability to see into the future.
I always knew I'd get discovered.
Economists though, are what I refer to as "Inverse Psychics". They have the uncanny ability to predict the past. It's the future they have difficulties with.
However, it's my IQ test that has me livid. Even when I cheat, I don't break into the "genius club".
I intensely dislike any game which offers little scope for cheating or sledging; however, please note I am not a 24 / 7 sledger. I choose the occasion wisely.
Like when am about to be check-mated in chess (yes, sledging in chess can be fun) by someone who is not physically daunting, I describe his sister in apt detail. After that, a fight breaks out, and the game loses importance. If the opponent is physically daunting, I ask about his gym routine. Same result.
Same with poker / "teen patti" ... you can bluff your way with impunity if you know what the other guy doesn't want you to do. Doesn't work with blackjack though.
My favourite sledge in any game is - rough translation in English - "Hey pretty boy. You'd look good in a skirt. Send your mama next time". In exchange, I'd be called a "pretty girl". Fine art, this.
It gets more graphic during a fit of road-rage.
What's yours?
Man, compared to what my job responsibilities are and what I end up doing, I don't think this country has a bright future!
NO! Say it isn't so!
Just when I was happy that I had some surplus money after a long time, I've been informed that the tax-man cometh! Apparently, there is an unpaid income-tax liability that I need to pay up, with so many zeros that I need to throw up. Just when I was thinking of that O2 XDA-II and a vacation.
Why is the Art of Living more like the Art of Compromise? Everytime you think you've taken a step forward, you realize the compass is a bit crooked and you've actually taken a step side-ways.
Tax is the "vile"-est form of scum. When I think of the taxes I've paid for the year gone by, and the state of disarray this nation is in, I feel like throwing in the towel.
There is but one solution, I shall henceforth be paid in cash. If you can't lick 'em....
Am bleeding to death and taxes
Am drowning my sorrow in poetry
Am reading "Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes
Personally, I wouldn't hire the Highwayman for a corporate job
He missed important deadlines
Sorry ... am in that sort of mood
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