Godel muses

As I observed my now three month-old niece observing me, I wondered at what point of time she would decide, "These values suit me. These other ones will not serve me any purpose. Those ones are to be treated like yesterday's diapers."
Then, while reading through the initial portions of "Godel, Escher, Bach: Eternal Golden Braid", a thought struck me,"Are we the values we choose?"
"Let's make a logical puzzle out of this", said the devil, perched on my shoulder.
"Sigh", I replied,"Here we go again!"
Assume that we are all born empty, or rather value-less. We possess no bias or inclinations to any thought structures, values etc. save those that lead us to feel contented and, in a vague sense, "happy".
Let us consider bubbles floating in ether, continuously bombarded by tiny comets zinging around. At some point of time, these tiny comets osmose into these bubbles, occupy the vacuum inside and make it their home for an indefinite interval of time.
Now we have a situation: empty bubbles and full bubbles, and osmosis, which led to this precarious situation.
Let's look at the two types of bubbles.
Hypothesis: The bubble is same as its content
Induced Logical Statement 1: The empty bubble is same as "emptiness".
Induced Logical Statement 2: The full bubble is same as it's content.
There are two possible responses to the hypothesis: Most likely Correct and Most likely Incorrect (personally, I don't believe in absolutes)
Most likely correct:
If the hypothesis is correct, then let us create a super-bubble that is filled with all the full bubbles. Hence, by additive properties, the super-bubble is same as all the bubbles, right?
Thus, Super Bubble = Full Bubble-1 + Full Bubble-2 + .... Full Bubble-n
Would you agree?
Most likely incorrect:
If the hypothesis is incorrect, then the bubble is not the same as it's content, but is closer to the process of osmosis. So the super-bubble is nothing but the additive processes of osmosis, and not the osmosed content.
Would you agree?
If the first approach is correct, then essentially by transitive properties:
Bubble = Content
Content = Bubbles
Super-Bubble = Bubble = Content
But this cannot be, because all these entities exist independent of each other
If the second approach is correct, then essentially:
Bubble <> Content
Content <> Bubbles
But, Bubbles "is most likely" Osmosis
Osmosis "is most likely" Bubbles
This makes more sense i.e. logically consistent, as the process of osmosis cannot exist unless there is a surface which will osmose content.
Therefore, all bubbles are equal.
Substituting bubbles for people and content for values, essentially:
Saint = Sinner
It just so happens they chose different values.
The devil perched on my shoulder went "uh-oh".
I smiled at the devil.
"Both the angel and the devil are logically consistent, and hence duality should not exist", I said.
"Oh Dear", said the Devil," I hadn't thought of that" and - poof - vanished in an instant.
Ho-hum, my niece yawned. What a boring "chacha"! What to do, I am like this only.
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