Friday, March 10, 2006


“Why am I here?” the man screamed, unable to move from his chair.
His screams were targeted to the person seated a few feet away.
“I have nothing to say”, he continued to scream.
The other person merely lit a cigarette, and inhaled the smoke. He continued to observe the person screaming at him.
“If you must ask, ask me now and let’s be done with it.” The chair was creaking under the strains, and the man was unable to do much else.
“How much longer do you plan to keep me here?” Shutting his eyes, he blocked out the sight of the other person sipping on a cup of stale, black coffee. The sipping continued, but no answers came.
“Lord! What must I do to leave this place?” the screamer continued.
His eyes were shut, blocking all sight of that cracked ceramic mug of coffee and the cigarette. He couldn’t breathe, for fear of smoke poisoning him. He withdrew further into his oversized jacket, a Chinese import that swarmed him with its comfort. He remained seated, for fear that any sudden motion might lead to regrettable consequences.

Meanwhile, sunshine bathed the screaming man as a cool breeze tickled his chin. Noone understood what all the fuss was about.


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